Monday, August 24, 2009

Dirt Inspires Women's Trail Half Marathon runs into Aptos

This Sunday marks the first annual running of the Dirt Inspires Women's Trail Half Marathon in Aptos, California's Nisene Marks State Park. The race is the brainchild of accomplished adventure racer and triathlete, Terri Schneider. If you're a woman and consider yourself to be one of the more eco-friendly among us, this race was designed with you in mind!

If you've not visited Nisene Marks before, you are in for a real treat. Zoomzer is one lucky pup because we live at the park entrance and get to run, bike, hop and skip - yes, we have hopped and skipped there before - every single day! We enjoy this park and the beach at Seacliff State Park so much, that after moving to the area we canceled our gym memberships and solely recreate here. It is that awesome! There's this one section after you cross the steel bridge and go past a locked gate (about 3 miles from the main parking lot) that reminds me of some crazy forest scene from the old Ewok movies. It is a 500 yard straight away on the fire road, below gorgeous towering redwoods. No matter the time of day it is always dark on this one stretch. I am always waiting for Star Wars music to start blasting from the sky and for an Ewok to pop out from behind a tree. This is also the section where, if Quiddich was a real game, I'd play it in the tree tops with Harry Potter. I may have revealed too much of my nerdiness there!

Back to Terri's race... if you've not signed up, I believe there are still a few spots left. Zoomzer can guarantee that you will have a fantastic race and the 13.1 miles will fly by because you'll be consumed by the gorgeous scenery. And after you've raced, stop by the Zoomzer booth to say hello and to review the race. Or... you can review it when you get home.

Happy Zoomzering!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Santa Cruz Sprint Triathlon ups the ante this year

This weekend, August 9th, welcomes back the ever popular Santa Cruz Sprint Triathlon. If you were hoping to race, boo on you, it sold out weeks ago. If you are a friendly soul and just love giving your time to local events, I know they are on the hunt for volunteers, so shoot them an email if you can help. I hear they are handing our cool shirts and homemade cookies. Zoomzer is in! Look for us on the bike course.

This year looks to be an especially exciting race as the Santa Cruz Sprint Triathlon is hosting the USAT Southwest sprint distance, youth, and junior categories regional championships. The competition promises to be intense! The race has also been selected by the USAT Endurance Mobile Tour for 2009 which means two days of expo, music, video, and product samplings by national triathlon sponsors.

If you were lucky enough to get a spot in the race, or are a past competitor, stop by Zoomzer to leave your review.