This past Tuesday morning marked the seventh annual Santa Cruz Core Run Swim Run (RSR). The 6 mile course begins at the Santa Cruz Wharf and literally run swim run swim run swim runs its way down the coast until you reach the Capitola Wharf. This race is brilliant in its originality and simplicity. There are no race number, no aide stations, no official race clock; instead, there are high school volunteers manning the swim course on surfboards, cute firemen volunteers pointing out the run, and a start line drawn in the sand.
This year somewhere north of 100 participants raced, ages ranged from 10 years old to 61 years young! Fastest men's time went to professional triathlete Tommy Zaferes in 49:23. Fastest ladies finish went to Marissa Ferrante in 56:48. The last, but far from the least to cross the finish line was the adorable mother daughter pair of 11 year old Kaylee Craft and her momma Kathy in a respectable time of 1:35:35! Hey, what were you doing when you were 11 years old? Probably not open water swimming and running down the beach at 6am! Here's a list of all results.
It's obviously too late this year, but put it on your calendar for next. If you are a Santa Cruz area athlete, this is one hometown even you really shouldn't miss! If you raced this year please share your thoughts on the race at
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Santa Cruz Wharf to Wharf Draws Near
Here comes the 38th annual Wharf to Wharf Race! Are you ready? If you've run this scenic six-mile classic before, you know about the weather, the forty live bands, the throngs of festive spectators and the chance to win the coveted Wharf to Wharf Runner T-shirt, awarded only to race finishers and never sold to anyone, anywhere, at any price.....ever. If you've never run it........... this is the year!
It's the best little roadrace in California. Go for it!
Riders Hoping for Cool Weather at the 2010 Terrible Two
The Terrible Two was started in 1976 by three Sonoma County riders, Clifford Scott, Rod Mowbray, and Gordon Burns-more-or-less members of the Santa Rosa Cycling Club. They were bored with the other double centuries and figured that a 200-mile course in and around Sonoma County would include some very challenging hills and spectacular scenery. After a trial run in June of 1976, they brought in the club to sponsor the event for the public and the first official TT was held later that summer on August 14. The date was eventually moved to a Saturday near Summer Solstice for maximum daylight. Expecting only the most serious riders, the first few TTs only provided lunch, no rest stops, and minimal sags.
Nisene Marks Summer Trail Run Series
Wednesday nights are the new Friday night compliments of the newly formed Nisene Marks Summer Trail Run Series! Every Wednesday evening for 12 weeks this summer, June 9 through August 25, local Santa Cruz runners are gathering for the approximately 3.6-3.9 mile race through the woods. We say approximate because there's always the chance you're gonna take the wrong trail!
So far there have been three weeks worth of races and 45 people have shown up. Keep in mind, for some crazy reason, the course seems to slightly change each week, so take the following times with proverbial 'grain of salt.' To date, the fastest male is Johan Schimmel in 24:51, fastest female AND fastest overall time goes to the lovely Marissa Ferrante with a time of 24:38, while the best running stroller time goes to Leo Strudley and his chauffeur... we mean dad, Trevor, in a time of 30:17! Congrats you four!
If you'd like to learn more, check out the series website Joins us for check in around 6pm, look for the crew in the green Zoomzer shirts. Race starts promptly at 6:15pm.We hope to see you out there next Wednesday!
So far there have been three weeks worth of races and 45 people have shown up. Keep in mind, for some crazy reason, the course seems to slightly change each week, so take the following times with proverbial 'grain of salt.' To date, the fastest male is Johan Schimmel in 24:51, fastest female AND fastest overall time goes to the lovely Marissa Ferrante with a time of 24:38, while the best running stroller time goes to Leo Strudley and his chauffeur... we mean dad, Trevor, in a time of 30:17! Congrats you four!
If you'd like to learn more, check out the series website Joins us for check in around 6pm, look for the crew in the green Zoomzer shirts. Race starts promptly at 6:15pm.We hope to see you out there next Wednesday!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
No more excuses, Big Sur, here we come!

Big Sur, huh? What's that all about? Excuses, excuses... we've all got them! I may have more than the average human being and I am gonna use one, no, I am gonna use two, right now to explain why there has been a 3 1/2 month gap in blog postings. Newborn and MBA - 'nough said! So if Zoomzer was too busy to blog, compliments of a screaming baby girl and a 10 lb. accounting book,
you can only imagine that other duties fell by the wayside, including the all important triathlon training! A good week these days might include two 30 minute jogs - they are slow so that calling them "runs" seems quite the exaggerating - and maybe a 10 mile spin on the bike. What happened to me?!

More importantly, what am I, and what are all the rest of your formerly fit slackers, going to do about it? We're gonna buck up and get back in shape by signing up for some races. First on the list, select a late Summer/early Fall half ironman. Second, train for a Spring time half marathon. I've always wanted to try one of the Big Sur events. Maybe this is the year? Who wants to join Zoomzer?!
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