Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let the games begin!

Welcome to our blog! It's been months in the making, but is almost up and ready for business. After almost a year of dreaming and haggling with developers there will finally be a place on the web where athletes all over the world can post reviews of their races and leave racing tips for future participants.

I've never maintained a blog before, actually I've been highly turned off by the concept. Yet here I sit on a wet, chilly NorCal Friday afternoon writing to no one in particular about nothing in particular. Oh blogs, how did this happen to me? So bare with me as I learn the hang of this. I'll start posting more regularly and will look for some interesting 'sport' news to share. The plan is to start finding news about marathon, Ironmans, 10Ks, running news, racing news, etc. etc. Again, I have no clue where to begin, so I guess I just begin...

Merry Christmas!