So another Zoomzer update. We are getting so close, I can't believe it. Site went live today and we are working though all the bugs. We're hoping to do a beta launch within a week. Just gotta get the ad networks up and running. Oh yeah that, plus work full time on our other jobs, train/exercise (what the hell is that, I don't do that anymore - i can't believe I've actually trained for Ironmans, I don't even walk 5 minutes a day now), commute, study for GMAT, apply to grad school, get second thoughts about applying to grad school. Do I follow my dreams and apply to Oxford, Cambridge or INSEAD? Or do I play it safe and save my hard earned money, which pays all those damn mortgages, and go to San Jose State or Santa Clara? Or do I blow the whole wad and apply for the two year program at Stanford. Why am I such an education brand elitist? Why am I rambling about grad school on our athletic review website blog? See post above about what time it is.
So, I am going to try and do this more frequently. Yeah right.
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