Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ohhhh UVAS!

I must admit, I am so jealous of all the athletes racing in the Morgan Hill Sprint Triathlon tomorrow, May 17th. Zoomzer is attending the event but I know it is going to be really painful watching all the folks racing by on their shiny bikes and sprinting across the finish line. I want to do it! Why aren't you, you ask? Well, as all you athletes know, you have to draw the line somewhere when it comes to paying for races. $100 may not seem like much, but when you add that to the additional 5-10 races a year you are paying easily over a $1000 to run, bike, and swim around. Now, if I were a professional I could race for free... yeah, that's not gonna happen, although I will admit I was asked to try out for Team Alcis, but they never called me back. Haha, go back to the line that reads "that's not gonna happen."

Anyways... even though we aren't racing tomorrow we will be along the triathlon course. For a sprint it is a really excellent distance, not your usually 400m swim, 11 mile bike and 5km run. This is a legit race with a distance between a small sprint and a full Olympic distance. Even better will be the serious pro star wattage! According to the USA Productions website, such hotties, ahem, I mean athletes, as Chris McCormack, defending champ Brian Lavelle, Chris Lieto, and several other world and local pros, will be racing.

To make a great day even better, the weather is supposed to be superbly fantastic and hot this Sunday. Don't forget your sunscreen... and racers don't forget your SPF Body Glide - I love that stuff. And when you are done please review your performance on Zoomzer

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